Friday, April 27, 2007


Finally got back in touch with AG tonight. I was right in guessing that she's been swamped for the past week (externship, classwork, interviews) and that's why we hadn't had a chance to talk.

She does have the interview here in NYC next Monday but she has tentative plans with a law school classmate Sunday night, so I won't get to see her then unless the classmate bails. She's been told the interview will be over at noon and she doesn't have to be at the airport until 4 so we may try to meet for lunch on Monday.

For what it's worth, she seems to really want a job she interviewed for in Kansas City, but those folks are jerking her around and trying to get her to take a position in Omaha, which she's not at all interested in. Other than that I think she likes the sound of the NY job, and if they're flying her out and putting her up in a hotel for the second time, I have to figure they're at least seriously considering her.

I'm still not sure what to make of this - she seemed a bit giggly when we were talking but that might be because she'd just woken up from a nap. So, once again I'm saying, "we'll see." In any case, she doesn't hate or or anything.


Unknown said...

Giggly girls shouldn't be a bad thing. They're annoying, yes. But for a guy who likes the girl, it probably isn't a bad thing.

JH said...

My point wasn't that giggly is a bad thing, just that it might not have been "genuine" (for lack of a better word) because she was sleepy.