Monday, April 16, 2007

Airport Girl (Part the Second)

When the plane landed in Newark, Airport Girl and I met up on the jetway and resumed our conversation. I don't remember exactly what we were talking about, small talk about traveling or whatever. We walked together to baggage claim and while we were waiting for my suitcase to show up, she asked whether I was doing anything that night, and if not, whether I might like to have dinner together. All I had planned with a night in front of the TV, so, no fool I, I said that that sounded great.

We made our way to the AirTrain, continuing to talk about life in NY or traveling or whatever, and then to NJ Transit. Once we'd gotten to Penn Station and up to street level, we exchanged cell phone numbers and split up, Airport Girl to her hotel and me to my apartment to drop off my suitcase and take a shower; I told her I'd call in about an hour. I made my way home, took a shower, called back, and made plans to meet her at her hotel for some food.

Once I got there I tried to come up with a place to eat, and had a good idea in mind, but stupid me forgot to realize that it was Easter, and therefore Morrell Wine Bar was closed, along with just about everywhere else. After walking around for half an hour or so, we decided to just have a light bite at the deli next to Airport Girl's hotel, which we had noticed was open when we left it in the first place. After that we went back to the bar in her hotel and had a couple of drinks.

Fast forward to about midnight, the bar is closing. (I know, I know, but it was Easter.) Airport Girl's interview was at 9 the next morning and I had a long subway ride home and work at 10. Kiss on the cheek, exchanged contact info, she said she'd let me know how the interview went. When I got off the subway near home I texted her to with her luck; she wrote back and thanked me.

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