Monday, April 16, 2007


I'm going to turn 30 this year. Not until December, yeah, but it still feels... impending, you know? When my father turned 30, he was married. 20 months later, I was born. Two years or so later, he and my mom had bought the house in the suburbs.

Now, I'm not my father, and as much as I look up to him, I'm perfectly fine with not living his life. And I know that people these days are doing all that stuff older than they did in previous generations, yadda yadda yadda. But still, as a point of comparison, it makes me feel like I'm not really accomplishing anything. I know that sounds weird and vague, but there it is.

Anyway, that's only partially, tangentially related to what this is actually (maybe going to be) all about. See, going hand in hand with the fact that I'm pushing 30, many of my good friends are at the same point in life. Many, in fact, are engaged, married, or even (in a few cases) having kids already. And that, (probably non-existent) readers, is the source of much of my consternation. (Did I spell that right?)

I don't really know what I'm doing wrong. I mean, in a broader sense, yeah, more self-confidence, lose some weight, yeah, that's the easy stuff. But I swear, I must've missed the day in middle school where they teach you how to interact with the opposite sex on a more-than-friends level. Because I just do not know how.

So, I suppose this is going to be a chronicle of my quest to figure out how, though later in life than I should be doing so, and any other interesting stuff that might happen along the way.

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