Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Out of Sync

Losing weight has been a goal of mine for a while now, albeit one that I've actively pursued, honestly, only intermittently. I've resisted what I call (for lack of a better term) "gimmick diets" (things like Atkins, South Beach, etc.) because I believe (and reasonably so, I think) that all that's necessary is a healthy diet and regular exercise and things should take care of themselves.

Well, in principle that's all very well and good, but the problem I've had (aside from the intervals when I have no energy for any of this at all, but that's a separate issue) is getting my ducks in a row, so to speak. Specifically, getting in sync, for any significant period of time, such that I'm both eating well and getting enough exercise. A lot of the time it's just one or the other.

Take this past weekend for example. The weather was good so I biked both days - just short of an hour on Saturday, just over an hour on Sunday. That was good. BUT, as I mentioned in another post, Saturday afternoon I went to a beer garden, ate sausage, polished off well over a pitcher on my own (and maybe closer to two), and then went out for a burger afterwards. I don't know if I'd say "one step forward, two steps back," but it was definitely at least "one step forward, one step back."

I have to be able to do both at the same time, or it's going to be very slow progress (if any at all). So, something else to think about this spring and summer.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

What it means is you just need to exercise MORE! Why do you think I attempt marathons? ;-)