Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Airport Girl (#3)

I didn't hear back from Airport Girl on Monday or Tuesday (nor did I expect to, since she flew back to St. Louis Monday night and presumably had to catch up on work on Tuesday). Wednesday evening I decided to give her a call. No answer and I didn't leave a voice message, figuring to try again a little later, but she called me back before too long.

Airport Girl told me that she didn't think the interview had gone so well; they'd given her some specific stuff to prepare to talk about, and then had surprised her by throwing out some questions that were both unanticipated and outside her field, presumably to test her ability to think on her feet. She felt like she'd done poorly on those questions, though very well with the prepared material. She also mentioned that the address the company had given her was out of date and so as a result she'd been late to her interview, and the timing of her whole day was thrown off right up until she got back to Newark Airport (thanks to my directions), when her flight back home was, of course, delayed.

Since Airport Girl was on her way out to pub trivia night with friends, we didn't talk for long, but she told me she'd keep me posted on how things were going. Fast forward to the following Monday (i.e. yesterday) and I figured I'd check in, so I sent her an email - you know, funny link, comment about the weather, nothing too serious. Her response thanked me for the link and then let me know that she'd gotten a second interview here in NYC, which will be about two weeks from now, and she'd keep me posted on the details.

I was happy to hear that she'd be coming back, so I wrote back to congratulate her on the interview (and ask whether she meant a second interview at the same consulting firm or an interview somewhere else, since her initial response was unclear), and also to say that if she has time while she's here, I'd like to take her out - maybe even find a real restaurant this time around, what with it not being Easter. Her response to this was a bit off-putting. Airport Girl let me know that it was a second interview at the same consulting firm and also that if I had time, she'd like to talk to me about employment options and job searching and whatnot, since I went through the same process not too long ago; she would call me when she had a chance. I say "off-putting," as you may have guessed, because she said precisely zero about my offer to take her out. I'm not exactly sure what that means.

While I was at the gym last night Airport Girl called me; I tried her back when I got home but there was no answer. I suppose we'll talk tonight or later in the week, and I'll see how things feel at that point.

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