Wednesday, May 9, 2007

I Can't Think of a Good Title for This

Every now and then I'll have a point in my life when I think to myself, "OK, so here are X number of things that I would like to have happen, and if Y number of them happen then I can be happy about how things turned out."

Well, right now I'm kinda at one of those points. There are three things that I'd really like to happen, and if even one or two of them could actually happen, that'd be great. The first one is kinda obvious, since it's kinda been the subject of half of my posts here (though I suppose "AG moving to NY" and "AG being interested" are two separate things). The second is a job-related thing that I'm not going to discuss in detail at the moment. The third is, it'd be really cool if Cornell could win the lacrosse tournament.

If I had to bet on how many of these things are actually going to happen, I'd say it'll probably be zero.

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